School major and college

Hi! Welcome back to my blog!

Today I´m write about my experience in the difficult decision of choosing a university major. I have always been passionate about teaching, medicine, and the arts. At first I wanted to be a hairdresser, then a I wanted to be biology teacher, then a I wanted to be a history teacher, but always have been passionate about helping others, I have found that a career in healthcare allows me to make a positive impact on the world by improving the lives of those around me.When I learned that I was one of the first selected from the University of Chile in dentistry I cried,  because I did not want to study this career but life surprise you.

Over time I learned that the most significant advantages of studying dentistry is the opportunity to help people every day. As a dentist, you have the ability to relieve pain and restore function.

I discovered a career path that not only aligned with my strengths and interests but also gave me a sense of purpose and meaning. It was a field where I could make a real difference in people's lives, and that was exactly what I wanted to do. As I pursued this career, I found myself surrounded by people who shared my passion and my values. I had found a group of people who understood me, believed in me, and pushed me to be my best self.
 The right friendships can help you grow and become a better person. They challenge you to get out of your comfort zone, push you to be your best self, and help you overcome your fears and insecurities. They inspire you to be kinder, more compassionate, and more understanding. I also want to thank for being my family away from family. We've shared so many unforgettable memories together, from late-night conversations to spontaneous flings and everything in between. They have brought so much joy and laughter to my life, and I cherish every moment we have spent together. Above all I want to thank they for your unconditional love. They have accepted me for who I am, flaws and all, and have loved me through every triumph and mistake. His love has taught me to love myself more and has helped me to be a better person.But the best part of it all was that we are doing what we love, and we are  doing it together. We are making a positive impact on the world, and weare doing it with people who shared our vision and our values.With Love and gratitude,Domi<3



  1. Hi Dominga, ¿How you doing?. I want to ask you If you want to be specialized in some area and what would it be?

  2. Hello Dominga, nice blog!. I want to congrats you for be the one of the first selected in the University 😁.

  3. Hi sunday, i really love your blog, and i love you my dear friend, i have a question for you, do you want to study again after finish the career?

  4. Hello Dominga, what beautiful photos and people. I loved your blog<3

  5. Hi Dominga, your story touched me, the approach you give to dentistry is very interesting.

  6. Dominga I love your motivations, I was very touched by your blog it shows that you are a great person <3


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